Monday, June 30, 2014

Day of the Moon

The today's book in the Day of the Moon is David Cunningham - Creating Magickal Entities.
One of the most important part of magickal work is creating the so called Egregors. They are born from the magus will and energy and they feed of the energy the adept is giving them during certain rituals.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day of the Sun

I've decided that every Sunday to share 2 books, apart of those shared Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So, for celebrating the Sun God, I will release 2 books. Today's books are Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon (both ENGLISH and ROMANIAN versions) and Viridarium Umbris by Schulke.
I totally recommend the first one for each and every one that want to start on the Path. It is an amazing book for both beginners and adepts.
The second book is very interesting, considering the fact that it tests your consciousness levels of understanding of symbolism.
I hope you will enjoy both these books.
One more thing... Feel free to share your books as well. Comment to my posts and leave your Wetransfer link to your book in there. Have the common sense to scan the files for viruses, spyware and so on before uploading them to the Wetransfer website.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Spreading the knowledge

I will continue with the posts using English language because I have a lot of friends that are passionate seekers and followers of the Occult Paths.
I wanted to tell you that you are more than welcome to request specific books and I will do my best to provide them to you.
Knowledge is power and having the power we can try to make this world a better place for the human kind.


M-am hotarat sa impart cu voi tot ce am strans de-a lungul celor 21 de ani de cand cercetez cu luare aminte caile acestea ascunse si putin cunoscute de cei multi. 
De 3 ori pe saptamana o sa urc pe un site de transfer o carte pe care voi o puteti descarca, fara nici o obligatie fata de acest blog. Daca doriti sa lasati un commnet, acesta este bine-venit, daca nu, faceti cum credeti.
Sper sa reusesc sa dezvolt o comunitate a pasionatilor de studii occulte. Mai mult decat atat imi doresc sa incurajez schimbul liber si sincer intre membrii acestei comunitati.
Cartile pe care o sa le postez o sa le incadrez in categoriile potrivite, in functie de ce cale occulta trateaza.
Pe langa fisierele PDF o sa incarc si fisiere audio, imagini (seturi de tarot), cursuri dar si fisiere video.

Prima lucrare pe care o uploadez este Alchemy-Ancient-and-Modern-2nd-Ed.-S-Redgrove-1922.

Cu bine!