I've decided that every Sunday to share 2 books, apart of those shared Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So, for celebrating the Sun God, I will release 2 books. Today's books are Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon (both ENGLISH and ROMANIAN versions) and Viridarium Umbris by Schulke.
I totally recommend the first one for each and every one that want to start on the Path. It is an amazing book for both beginners and adepts.
The second book is very interesting, considering the fact that it tests your consciousness levels of understanding of symbolism.
I hope you will enjoy both these books.
One more thing... Feel free to share your books as well. Comment to my posts and leave your Wetransfer link to your book in there. Have the common sense to scan the files for viruses, spyware and so on before uploading them to the Wetransfer website.
Salut. Nu am apucat sa descarc aceste doua carti. Am reusit pe restul ce au urmat. Puteti sa mi le dati pe mail sau sa le re urcati pe vreun ftp? Multumesc anticipat.
ReplyDeleteSalut! O sa caut alta varianta de upload care sa permita mentinerea fisierelor pe net mai multa vreme. O sa le urc din nou astazi si o sa poti sa le descarci din nou.
ReplyDeleteAm updatat toate linkurile la toate cartile de pana acum. LVX!
ReplyDeleteAm incercat cele doua linkuri si-mi dowload-eaza partial pdf-urile. Valabil pt amandoua cartile.